Friday, November 30, 2012

In Front Media's Tips on How to Survive Google’s 2012 Updates in 2013

Why would anyone need an SEO website assessment? Well, thanks to the many major and minor Google Panda and Penguin Updates of course. So what’s next for 2013 - the Possum update?
Toronto, Ontario (PRWEB) November 28, 2012
In Front Media Web Services advises of the major updates Google has made to their search algorithm this year and how to ensure a website will not be affected by these past updates and any future updates as well.
For a Web Design company, an SEO Service or even a website owner, surviving the algorithm updates Google has included over the last year, has been a full-time job plus overtime, trying to keep up with all the algorithm changes. In Front Media knows this so well.
Most good Search Optimization companies know that the search engine giant has updated it's search algorithm between 300-500 times over the last 12 months. That's more than one update per day. But, the good thing is that most of those updates have been and will continue to be small and mostly unnoticeable. It's the bigger ones that have many site owners scrambling to either change the way they do business on the internet or update their resumes.
Many businesses that have invested in Facebook Fan Pages and other area of Social Media have found they have less dependence on the search engines for traffic.
So, how did most businesses fair this year? How did these major updates affect website traffic and sales? Well, there has been a lot of complaining heard throughout the internet on just this topic. So, here's a list of some of the major updates that shook the internet over the past 11 months.
January – Ads above the fold. Websites with too many advertisements “above the fold” were devalued.
February – A refresher of the original Panda update which filtered out more low quality sites or sites with “thin content”.
April – Penguin update. This update mostly comprised of an “over optimization penalty” or “Webspam update” dubbed “Penguin” filtering unnatural links, keyword stuffing and other sneaky tactics.
July – Link warnings. Warnings were sent to site owners with unnatural backlinks advising they are “on Google’s radar”.
August – DMCA Penalty for websites that repeatedly abuse copyright infringement.
September - EMD Exact Match Domain Penalty. Website with thin content and were determined to be low quality sites using EMD for optimized positioning are now filtered.
•November – Panda update (21st update) minor updates to penalize low quality websites.
December - ??? Who knows? Maybe Google programmers will take the month off and vacation somewhere warm and forget to come back to work.
So how does one battle the Google updates? It's really simple.
Give users good content.
Make sure content is unique and well written.
Do not "stuff" website code or content with keywords.
Do not get involved in "link schemes".
While on the subject of "links", do not be afraid to link-out to authority websites.
Update web page content often.
Get involved in Social Media.
Participate in blogging, forums and other Web 2.0 platforms so as to communicate with others to learn and offer advice where possible.
These are just a few of dozens more good things website owners can do to combat changes to search. No one knows what 2013 will bring us except the R&D employees at Google headquarters. The best plan would be for website owners to follow some or all of the guidelines above, along with the basic guidelines that can be found on Google's website, and we'll all will be a little better for it.
Above all else, if a website offers good content and the site is built for "humans" first, that site will do well in 2013 and beyond.

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